Home INFOMATIVE How much does University of Nairobi pay part time lecturers

How much does University of Nairobi pay part time lecturers


Part Time Lecturers are those not employed permanently by the government or the university. The University of Nairobi pays them according to the hours they lecturer. A lecturer will attend 4 lecturers per week, covering 8 hours. The university pays Ksh 3,500 per hour for Masters, Ksh 2,500 per hour for undergraduate and Ksh 5,000 per hour for PhD. If it’s 8 hours, this is the money a lecturer will earn:

PhD—Ksh 20,000 per week or Ksh 80,000 per month

Masters—Ksh 14,000 per week or Ksh 56,000 per month

Undergraduate—Ksh 10,000 per week or Ksh 40,000 per month.

Some lecturers teach undergraduate, masters and PhD classes. A lecturer will take home Ksh 80,000 to Ksh 120,000 per month.

If you are intending to become a lecturer at the university of Nairobi, your average salary will be Ksh 90,000 per month. This money is also taxed. This means that in a month, you will be making Ksh 55,000 to Ksh 65,000 as a part time lecturer.

To lecturer masters, you must be pursuing a PhD.To lecturer PhD,you must be a PhD holder or enrolled for Post-doctoral studies.

After being confirmed as a full time lecturer, your salary will rise from Ksh 90,000 to more than Ksh 140,000 per month.

Most lecturers opt to lecture in more than one university so as to make more money. You’ll find a lecturer teaching at the University of Nairobi and two other universities. At the end of the month, he makes more than Ksh 180,000.

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