Home INFOMATIVE How to join Eagle’s Eye Sacco, Loans, Savings Products, Paybill, Dividends and...

How to join Eagle’s Eye Sacco, Loans, Savings Products, Paybill, Dividends and Customer Care Contacts


Below are important details you need to know about Eagle’s Eye Sacco—they include loans and savings products.

Individual Membership

To join the Sacco one needs to:

  • Complete Membership Application Form
  • Attach copy of Kenyan National Identity Card or Valid Kenyan Passport
  • Attach coloured passport size photograph.

Group Membership

To join the Sacco one needs to:

  • Complete group membership application form.
  • Attach minutes of the group’s meeting resolving to join Eagle’s Eye Sacco.
  • Attach the group’s constitution.
  • Attach copies of Identification Cards, Passport and photos of authorized signatories.
  • Attach copy of group’s registration certificate.

Corporate Membership

To join the Sacco one needs to:

  • Complete corporate membership application form.
  • Attach minutes of the Board of Directors meeting resolving to join Eagle’s Eye Sacco.
  • Attach copy of articles and memorandum of association.
  • Attach copies of Identification Cards, Passport and photos of three authorized signatories.
  • Attach copy of registration certificate.

Membership Withdrawal

One may cease to be a member of the Eagle’s Eye Sacco at will, or such membership may be terminated in accordance with the Sacco’s Bylaws. To voluntarily terminate your membership, download, fill in and submit the form below to the head office:

Familia Jipange

This is a saving product intended for young families for weddings, dowry and maternity.

Juniors Package

This is a saving product intended to plan for your children’s education.

Holiday Package/ Super Christmas

Also known as Christmas Package. An annual saving scheme with full refunds issued in the month of December. Minimum monthly saving is Ksh. 500.






Development Loan


  • Have maintained an account with the Sacco a minimum of six (6) months.
  • The maximum amount of loan granted is 3 times your deposits.
  • Provide security. Security options include title deed, or log book
  • The loan term does not exceed 60 months.
  • The interest rate does not exceed 1% monthly on reducing balance.


  • You need to be a Sacco member and a consistent saver.
  • Minimum waiting period of six months to be eligible for this loan
  • Attach ID copies of both the applicant and the guarantors.
  • Pin certificate copy
  • Certified Bank statements for the last six (6) months for registered business
  • Have a duly completed loan application form.
  • Payslips for the last three (3) months certified by the employer.
  • Authority to use Bank statements by the other Directors/ partners.
  • Self guaranteed loans to provide either payslip, Mpesa statements or bank statements
  • Self guaranteed loans qualify 80% of the deposits
  • Declaration of profit and loss account for one year.

Top Up/Refinancing Loan


  • Have maintained an account with Eagle’s Eye Sacco.
  • The maximum amount of loan granted is 3 times your deposits.
  • Provide security. Security options include title deed.
  • The loan term does not exceed 60 months.
  • The maximum amount of loan granted is 3 times the deposits.
  • The interest rate does not exceed 1% monthly on reducing balance.


  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • The applicant should have cleared 75% of the previous development loan to qualify for refinancing.
  • Attach ID copies of both the applicant and the guarantors.
  • For a top up/refinancing loan, the development loan requirements apply.

Fagia Loan


  • The applicant is required to pay an administration cost of 10% on all principle loan balances.
  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • Attach ID copies of both the applicant and the guarantors.
  • You need to be a member of Eagle’s Eye Sacco.

Agribusiness Loan


  • This loan facilitates agribusinesses only.
  • For start-ups, the minimum amount is Ksh 100,000 and the maximum is Ksh 200,000 for a first loan.
  • For continuing agribusinesses, the loan range shall be Ksh 200,000 to Ksh 500,000.
  • The loan is given a 4 months grace period where the applicant pays interest only at a 1.5% straight line of the principal amount.
  • From the 5 th month, the applicant pays the loan and interest at a rate of 1.5% on reducing balance for the remaining 14 months.
  • The repayment period does not exceed 18 months.


  • The applicant must be a member of Eagles Eye Sacco on Kilimo loans.
  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • Attach applicants ID copy.

Eagle’s Mapato Loan


  • The amount granted is a minimum of Ksh 300,000 and a maximum of Ksh 2,000,000.
  • The loan attracts an interest waiver if cleared before the stipulated period as long as 75% of the loan principal and interest have been paid up.
  • The interest rate is 1.25% on reducing balance.
  • The repayment period does not exceed 24 months


  • The applicant must be a member of the SACCO.
  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • Attach applicants ID copy.

School Fees Loans


  • School fees loan does not exceed Ksh 50,000.
  • The interest rate is 1.2% per month on reducing balance.
  • The repayment period is up to 12 months.
  • Any member of this Sacco who has saved consistently for 6 months is eligible for this product.


  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • Applicants must attach a current and certified fee structure from the Education institution on the loan application form.
  • Applicants must attach their ID copies as well as those of their guarantors’
  • Applicants must be a member of the Sacco

Masomo Juu


  • The amount granted is a minimum of Kshs. 50,000 and a maximum of Kshs.120,000.
  • Interest rates are 1.25% per month on reducing balance.
  • The repayment period is up to 24 months.


  • A member must attach a fee structure on the loan application form or an admission letter from the learning institution.
  • Applicants must attach a current and certified fee structure from the Education institution on the loan application form.
  • Applicants must attach their ID copies as well as those of their guarantors’
  • Applicants must be active members of the Sacco

Eagle’s Bima Loan


  • The loan is payable within 12 months
  • The interest rate is 1% on reducing balance
  • The approval process takes about 12 working hours
  • The loan is guaranteed by the applicants’ deposits.
  • The maximum amount is limited by the premium due.


  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • The applicant should attach a copy of a certified insurance premium invoice.
  • Attach a copy of the applicant’s ID.
  • Any member with an active loan can apply for this loan if their outstanding loan is less than their savings.
  • The cheque issued will be in favor of the insurance company.
  • The member’s credit history is a major determinant for approval and future loans.

Emergency Loan


  • Emergency loans do not exceed Ksh 50,000.
  • The repayment period does not also exceed 12 months.
  • The interest rate is 1.25% per month on reducing balance.
  • Any member who has saved consistently for 6 months or a member with existing loans, but with a good repayment record qualifies.
  • No member can have more than one emergency loan at any given time.


  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • Supporting documents must be attached for approval.
  • Attach copies of ID for both the applicant and the guarantor.
  • Supporting documents must be attached for approval.

Eagle’s Instant Loan


  • The loan is processed and issued within one hour of application and payable in cash or mpesa.
  • The amount given is a minimum of Ksh 5,000 and a maximum of Ksh 100,000.
  • The interest rate is 5% for 1 month, 7% for 2 months, and 10% for 3 months.
  • The repayment period is either 1 month, 2 months, or 3 months.
  • The loan includes a penalty of 0.25% on the outstanding balance daily.
  • No guarantors are needed.


  • A duly completed loan application form.
  • Attach the applicant’s ID copy.
  • Any member who has saved consistently for six months or any member with an active loan qualifies for this loan provided their total outstanding loans does not exceed three times their deposits.
  • The applicant is expected to make the required monthly contribution even as they are servicing the loan

Asset Finance Loan


  • Sacco finances 80% of the cost of the asset, (5 times). Maximum financing is Ksh 3,000,000.
  • The interest rate is 1.5% per month on a reducing balance.
  • The loan is payable within 36 months.
  • The asset/document purchased acts as the security.
  • Can be given with and/or without other existing loans.
  • The loanee is responsible for all the charging costs. including valuation and transfer cost.
  • The money is channeled to the vendor.


  • Get loan approval within fourteen (14) working days
  • Acquire an asset and pay for it in affordable installments while you utilize it.
  • The loan application process is simple, fast, and friendly.
  • Affordable pricing.


A duly completed loan application form.

Sacco provides the insurance cover

Be an active member.

Must be comprehensively insured through an appointed insurance agent by Sacco.

The valuation report, transfer, or importation documentation is to be attached.

Attach a copy of the applicant’s ID.

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