Home INFOMATIVE PCEA Ruiru Sacco Loans, Paybill, how to save money, Dividends and customer...

PCEA Ruiru Sacco Loans, Paybill, how to save money, Dividends and customer car contacts


Below are important details about PCEA Ruiru Sacco:

Quick Fix

This falls under an emergency loan which does not exceed Ksh. 10,000.

It is processed within one day. Its repayable in 4 months with and interest of 5% per month on reducing balance.

Emergency Loan

This is a loan provided for emergency cases e.g. medical expenses, court cases, and college fees.

It is repayable in 12 months at an interest of 1.15% per month on a reducing balance.

Emergency loan does not exceed Ksh. 50,000

School Fees Loan

This is a loan granted to members to pay school fees for themselves, their children and dependants.

It is repayable in 12 months (calendar year) at an interest rate of 1.15% per month.

When applying, the member is required to attach the fee requirement documents

Normal Loan

This is a development loan given at 3times of a member’s shares. It is repayable in 36 months with an interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance.

Super Loan

 It is a  development loan given 4 times of member’s deposits repayable in 48 months with an interest rate of 1.2% per month on reducing balance.

To qualify for this loan one must meet the following conditions:

  • minimum deposit Ksh. 250,000
  • Should not be the first loan to apply
  • Should not have defaulted in the past loans 
  • It should be guaranteed and where necessary additional security may be required

Pamoja Loan

This is a group development loan repayable within 36 months granted for development purposes such as buying land, construction, purchase of equipment & machinery, vehicles e.t.c. maximum amount granted is 3 times of the group’s savings. Interest rate is 1% per month on reducing balance.


  • The group should be a member for more than six months.
  • Guarantors should be members of the group
  • At least two guarantors should not be servicing any other loan 

Asset Financing Loans

  • Interest is charged at a rate of 1.5 % per month on the reducing balance method.
  • No guarantors are required.
  • Saved for a period of not less than six months.
  • Good credit history
  • All Loan forms must be submitted before the 5th of every month

The membership is currently over 5500 growing widely and very fast. The minimum deposit contribution is Kshs. 500.00 per month where a member can be granted a loan based on total contribution after six months.

New Members Requirements:

  1. Fill an application form
  2. Two passport size photographs
  3. A copy of national identity card.
  4. A copy of KRA Pin certificate.
  5. When joining members contribute a minimum of kshs. 3300.
  6. Minimum contribution of kshs. 500 per month.
  7. Minimum share capital of sh. 10,000. A member must pay kshs. 2000 when joining and the balance of ksh. 8000 to be paid within 6 months.
  8. Benevolent fund of ksh. 300 (paid once annually).

Re-joining Members:

  • Payment of a re-joining fee of Ksh. 1000 for one to retain his/her membership number.

Corporate Membership Requirements


  • A valid registration certificate
  • Copy Company memorandum of article of association
  • Copy Certification of incorporation
  • Copy of the minutes
  • Introductory Letter from ministry of gender and social services for groups
  • When joining to pay Share contribution of Ksh. 2,000 and to pay the balance of ksh. 28,000 in 6 months’ time
  • Registration fees Ksh. 1,000
  • Minimum deposit of 2,000 per month

Registered Groups

  • A valid registration certificate
  • At least seven members should be members of the Sacco.
  • Copy of minutes
  • Introductory Letter from ministry of gender and social services for groups
  • KRA pin certificate
  • When joining to pay Share contribution of Ksh. 2,000 and to pay the balance of ksh. 28,000 in 6 months’ time
  • Registration fees Ksh. 1,000
  • Minimum deposit of 2,000 per month

Membership benefits


The management committee holds education seminars for members, management and staff where issues related to risk management, compliance wth law and stakeholders responsibilities are discussed. The society has worn several trophies during National Ushirika Day celebrations over the years for being the best managed and best insured Sacco in Ruiru sub-county.

The Mpesa Paybill Number for PCEA Ruiru is 843700

Payment methods


Paybill: 834700

Account number: Your Sacco Member number


Account Number: 1208683519

Cooperative Bank

Account Number: 01100074554200

National Bank

Account Number: 01248059569400

Equity Bank

Account Number: 0870172350573

Family Bank

Account Number: 024000032564


Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

Phone Number




P.O Box 1497-00232,
Ruiru Kamiti Road opp. Spinners and Spinners.

Email :info@pcearuirusacco.com

Non-Withdrawable Savings

This enables a member to safely save his daily business earnings and withdraw the following day or any other day in the course of his business.

  • Minimum savings of Kshs. 500 per month.
  • Loans are issued against non-withdrawable deposits.

Elimu Bora

This account enables members to save for the educational needs of their children/dependents:-

  • Withdrawal can only be done twice a year, once after every six months.
  • The deposit can be done daily or monthly depending on the member’s source of funds.
  • Interest at 5% p.a. on prolata..

Terms Deposit

  • Savings is done anytime.
  • Withdrawal can be done once a month

Holiday savings account

A holiday savings account enables members to save for their holidays. Withdrawal should be done once a year.

  • Saving can be done daily.
  • Interest at 5% per annum on prolata.

The percentage of dividends is 12% to 16% for the total amount of money you have invested in the Sacco as shares.

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