Home INFOMATIVE Cost of building bedsitters in a 50×100 Plot in Kenya

Cost of building bedsitters in a 50×100 Plot in Kenya


“Hey I have a plot in Nairobi which I want to build bedsitters. The plot is sized 5 by 100 and it’s a prime one. I don’t have money to build a tall apartment, I want to start with bedsitters. I don’t know the cost of building a bedsitter in such a plot. Please advise”


I built 8 bedsitters in a 50 by 100 plot in Joska.The entire project cost me Ksh 3.5 million. I paid my fundi Ksh 400,000 for the entire project. The cost of each bedsitter was approximately Ksh 380,000.

The most expensive things were carpets and items required in the sink and toilet. I also used quality iron sheets.

All the 8 bedsitters are now occupied. I charge Ksh 8,000 per bedsitter. In a year, they will generate Ksh 768,000. It will take me around 4 years to return the money I spent in building the bedsitters.

I took a loan of Ksh 4.2 million from KCB Bank which I used to build bedsitters in Ruiru.My 50 by 100 plot has 6 bedsitters which are very specious and executive. The total cost for the project was Ksh 4 million.

I wanted to build something which anyone who comes to view likes it.I am happy all of them are occupied. I charge Ksh 9,000 per bedsitter.

I left some space for my tenants to relax, it’s like a playing ground. There is also a small space for clothing line. I also built a latrine outside. Just in case there is no water in the house, they will use the latrine.

This is how I spent the money

Foundation—Ksh 300,000

Walling—Ksh 400,000

Roofing—Ksh 1.2 million

Finishing—Ksh 1.2 million

Fundi—Ksh 700,000

Others—-Ksh 200,000

I have a plot in Mombasa Mtwapa which has 6 bedsitters. I built on the plot in 2022.The total cost was Ksh 3.5 million. Before I built, I thought I was to spend below Ksh 3 million but the cost surprised me. The good thing is that I had saved the money in Money market Fund which was paying interest of 8% to 15% per year. In 3 years I earned interest of Ksh 500,000. This is the money which boosted my construction money.

The construction took 4 months.

I have discovered that building bedsitters is better than building single rooms because most people prefer bedsitters, they want privacy.

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