Home INFOMATIVE Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company, how to apply for water connection, how...

Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company, how to apply for water connection, how to pay for the bill, customer care


Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company is responsible for supplying water within Eldoret City. Below we provide important details you wish to know about the company which will enable you get connected to water, pay your bills and contact them whenever need arises.

The Mpesa Paybill Number is 511000.This is the one to use when paying your water bill.

  1. Go to M-Pesa Menu on your phone
  2. Select Pay Bill Option.
  3. Enter the business number of ELDOWAS; 511000.
  4. Enter your water account number
  5. Enter the water bill amount(e.g Ksh 1000)
  6. Enter your M-Pesa PIN
  7. Press OK

You will receive a confirmation message with the Transaction code and amount

You will receive a confirmation message from ELDOWAS confirmation payment and crediting of your account with outstanding balance after payment.

1. The Customer download application forms and fills the requires information and takes them to either of the following offices:

  • Customer Care Office room 23 at Head Office,
  • Eastern Area Located along Iten/Elgeyo Rd Opposite AP Quarters
  • Western Area Located along Uganda road past West market
  • Southern Area Located along Kisumu road next to Reformed Church, opposite Hill School
  • Kesses next to Kesses center

The following are required during application;

  • Photocopy of National ID or Passport Number
  • Photocopy of KRA PIN certificate
  • Copy of title deed (or proof of land ownership)
  • 2 Sketch (location plan)

Note: Copies of ID and KRA PIN should be on same page

2. Site visit is done by Artisan/Technician for New connection to checks and confirm if ground details filled are correct by prospect customer

(details filled in the application form)


  • Customer’s presence is required during field verification.
  • Filled forms should be attached with the above-mentioned requirements.
  • If the filled information is incorrect or has errors, customers are advised to repeat application procedures.
  • If the form is confirmed, connection will be done within 14 days.

3. Customer makes payment

4. Actual connection is made at the customer premises

The form is available on ELDOWAS website.

S/No Quantity Current charges as approved Water Tariff Additional costs
      Within ELDOWAS service Area Amount (KES) per KM out of ELDOWAS Service Area
      Transport (KES) Cost Per Km (KES)
1 7,000Ltrs 2.500.00 1,500.00 1,50.00
2 18,000Ltrs 6000.00 3,000.00 400.00

2. Water Point Rates (Bulky Water)

Below rates are as per the Approved tariff 2019/2020 to 2023/2024

S/No Unit in Litres(Per Trip) Amount (KES)
1. 0-5,000 500.00
2. 0-9,000 1,000.00
3. 0-13,000 1,500.00
4. 0-17,000 2,000.00
5. 0-21,000 2,500.00
6. 0-25,000 3,000.00
7. 0-29,000 3,500.00
8. 0-33,000 4,000.00
9. 0-37,000 4,500.00
10. 0-41,000 5,000.00

Kambi Somali Rd, Off Oloo Street,
PO BOX 8418-30100 Eldoret

Email :info@eldowas.or.ke

Mobile: +254 724 255 538
Landline: +254 (0)53-2035000
Toll Free: 0800-211-155

1.0 Approved Tariff

1.1 Water Tariff Structure for the period of 2023/2024

Customer Category   Approved
Domestic Consumption Block in m³ Tariff (KSh)
1-6. 37
7-20. 48
21-50 72
51-100 79
101-300 99
>300 111
Multi-dwelling units/gated communities 47.66
1-50 62
51-100 79
101-300 99
>300 111
Public schools, universities and colleges
0-600 32
601 – 1200. 37
>1200 48
Water kiosk (per m3) 35

1.2 Sewerage Tariff

(a) Consumers with a Water Connection

Customer Category Approved Tariff
Domestic Consumption Block (75% of the water billed) Approved Tariff Per M3
>0-6. 32
7-20. 42
21-50 67
51-100 74
101-300 94
>300 106
Multi-Dwelling Units/ Gated Communities Unit Rate 66.6
Commercial/Industrial/ Government Consumption Block Approved Tariff Per M3
1-50 67
51-100 74
101-300 94
>300 106
Public Schools, Universities and Colleges Consumption Block Approved Tariff Per M3
0-600 32
601 – 1200 37
  >1200 48

(b) Consumers with a Water Connection

  1. Disconnected water accounts shall be charged based on the average of the last three months’ sewer charges before the disconnection.
  2. Sewerage consumers without a water connection shall be charged as follows:
    • Domestic (Per Single dwelling unit): KSh. 350 per month
    • All other categories: 75% of the volume of water consumed as per the metered source of water

1.3 Miscellaneous Charges

Meter Rent per Size

Meter Size Charge (KSh.)
½ inch 50
¾ inch 100
1 inch 250
1 ½ inches 250
2 inches 250
3 inches 450
4 inches 800
6 inches 1,250
8 and above 2,000

Water Deposit

Consumer Category Charge (KSh.)
Domestic 2,500
Retail shops less than 10m3 3,000
Retail shops more than 10m3 3,500
Bar, restaurants less than 15 m3 4,000
Bar, restaurants more than 15 m3 6,000
Hotel class “A” and “B” less than 150 m3 12,000
Hotel class “A” and “B” more than 150 m3 15,000
Hotel class “C” and ‘D’ less than 150 m3 18,000
Hotel class “C” and ‘D’ more than 150 m3 20,000
Hospitals more than 150 m3 20,000
Health centres less than 150 m3 12,000
Schools and other institutions more than 200 m3 20,000
Schools less than 200 m3 10,000
Minor construction sites more than 200 m3 15,000
Major construction sites more than 300 m3 50,000
Light industries less than 200 m3 30,000
Medium industrial between 200 m3 and 300 m3 50,000
Heavy industries more than 300 m3 100,000
Water kiosks 5,000

Other Charges

Service Charges (KSh.)
New water connection fee – Connection size: ½ inch to 1 inch 2,500
New water connection fee – Connection size: 1.5 inches to 3 inches 7,500
New water connection fee – Connection size above 3inches 15,000
Water reconnection fee – at meter point 1,000
Water reconnection fee – at mains 5,000 and double deposit
Tanker –78000, 18,000 litres 2,500 and 6,000 respectively per tanker within ELDOWAS area for all consumers
Sale of water per m3 at bowsing point (own tanker) 75
Replacement of stolen or damaged meters 100% of the market cost of the meter
Meter testing on request 500
Sewer connection, residential/domestic 5,000
Sewer connection, commercial, government, schools, universities and colleges 7,500
Sewer connection, Industrial 15,000
Private sewer unblocking 2,500
Leak detection services 1,000
Sewer reconnection fee 15,000
Statement of account fees 200
For cutting off the supply at the request of the consumer 200
For turning on the supply otherwise than in respect of a first connection 200
Exhauster services (company exhauster) 5,000 for other customers and 4,000 for informal settlements
Private exhausters (dumping into the company’s sewer system) 15,000 per truck per month
Sale of sludge 300 per tonne


Penalty  Charge (KSh)
Illegal water connection, (fraud), commercial, industry, construction 100,000 plus estimated consumption during the period of the illegality
Illegal water connection, (fraud) – Domestic 30,000 plus estimated consumption during the period of the illegality
Overcharging (fraud) at water kiosk 30,000
Illegal sewer connection (fraud), commercial, industry, construction 100,000
Illegal sewer connection (fraud), domestic, government, schools, universities and colleges 30,000
Self-reconnection after cut off for non-payment 30,000 and billing to be backdated from date of cut off
Surcharge for tampering with meters (this to include meter removal, reversing of meter etc) 30,000
Unauthorized sale of water 15,000
Surcharge for direct suction of water from the supply line using a pump 30,000

Send the word ELDOWAS with your water account number (with a space between ELDOWAS and account number) to 25404. Example; ELDOWAS 30XXXXX or ELDOWAS 31XXXXX

The company no longer receives cash payments. You can pay for the services through the following pay-points; M-Pesa Paybill No. 511000;

Standard Chartered Bank A/C No. 0152017704300;

Equity Bank- A/C No. 0300294625495;

KCB-A/C No.118128184 and

Co-op Bank A/C No. 01148685815500

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