Home INFOMATIVE List of Counties Gen Z want to be reduced from 47 to...

List of Counties Gen Z want to be reduced from 47 to 25


One of the demands from the Gen Z is for the counties to be reduced from 47 to 25.They have already provided a list of those counties. Kenyans also agree that they should be reduced.

Below is the list of the counties:

1. Mombasa merged with kilifi

2. Kwale merged with Taita Taveta

3. Tana river merged with Lamu

4. Garissa merged with half of Wajir

5. Mandera merged with the other half of Wajir

6. Marsabit merged with isiolo

7. Meru merged with Tharaka nithi

8. Embu merged with Kirinyaga

9. Kitui Remains the same

10. Makueni merged with Machakos

11. Nairobi merged with kiambu

12. Muranga merged with Nyandarua

13. Nyeri merged with Laikipia

14. Samburu merged with Turkana

15. West pokot merged with Trans Nzoia

16. ElgeyMarakwet merged with Baringo

17. Uasin gishu merged with Nandi

18. Kericho merged with Bomet

19. Nakuru merged with Narok

20. Kajiado Remains the same

21. Bungoma merged Busia

22. Kakamega merged with Vihiga

23. Siaya merged with Kisumu

24. Homabay merged with migori

25. Kisii merged with Nyamira

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