Home INFOMATIVE Cost of roofing 4-bedroom house in Kenya and best iron sheets to...

Cost of roofing 4-bedroom house in Kenya and best iron sheets to use


There is a question from one of our readers who is asking about the cost of roofing 4-bedroom house in Kenya and the best iron sheets company to use.

“I am building a 4-bedroom house in Nairobi Ruiru.I want to know the best iron sheets company and the estimated cost for the roofing. My budget for the roofing at the moment is Ksh 600,000 to Ksh 900,000”


I built a 4-bedroom house in 2022 and the total cost was Ksh 920,000.

Ksh 544,000 was for buying iron sheets

I spent Ksh 250,000 to buy timber nails and other items required

I spent Ksh 70,000 to pay the fundi

The total amount was Ksh 920,000

I purchased iron sheets from Mabati Rolling Mills(MRM). This company manufactures the best quality iron sheets. I made an order and the versatile mabati was delivered after 3 weeks. I paid 40% first which enabled them to order the iron sheets from the factory, I paid the rest in installments.

The fundi fixed the iron sheets within a day,he came with 3 other fundis who helped him.

We also got a comment from one of our members who had built a mansion in Nairobi.He used Decra mabati. He reveals that he spent Ksh 720,000 on roofing.

Roofing 4-bedroom bungalow many cost more than 4-bedroom mansion.

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